Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here vs. there: defining democracy

Cries for democracy, reform, a renaissance for Egypt... this must be a good sign concerning future relations for United States and Isreal with this region, sah?  Not so fast. The people in the streets of Cairo are united in their mission to establish democracy.  In addition, most of those people are united in their opinion towards Israel and what is viewed as the occupation of Palestine.  Egyptians are also very critical of the United States unfaltering support of Israel and the continued occupation of Iraq.  Let's not be mistaken, democracy is the order of the day.  But to be true to its definition, if the people are to be fairly represented, the opinion of the majority will not naturally align itself with that of the U.S. or Israel.

Is this cause for concern? It depends. If the situation magnificently ends up being a democratic state that gives the Egyptian people fair elections and equality for all, the U.S. will find itself without the loyalty of Egypt, enjoyed during the reign of Mubarak.  Perhaps now, we need to be honest about our professed support of democracy.  This is what I hear from Arabs: that the U.S. is a realist nation through and through, acting in its self interest without a fault. It is clear with whom the U.S. is allied, and the Arab people have chosen a side as well, and it isn't with the States.  They are unhappy with our regional policy... and very unhappy with Israel.

So what does America want? Democracy for all as long as the democracy represents people supportive of us?  If that is not possible, would we rather just pay off one person with all the power and not have to worry whether the people agree or not? 

That is how people here see it.  They ask me these questions.  They want to know: is this how American politics work? Is this the beauty of being the top dog? Does America think it can write its own rules concerning global politics and not care whether people agree or not?

People are putting their lives at risk to finally have their voice heard.  Blood is spilled for democracy.  If it is obtained, it will be their democracy, not ours.

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